Ready to begin your Fantastic Life?
You can achieve your goals and live your dreams in all areas of your life.
It all starts with you. It all starts here.
Everything you need to live a Fantastic Life is here.

The Fantastic Life rules and methods have been helping people achieve their goals for more than 20 years.

Yes, real people are using these rules. They are not for extraordinary people. They are for ordinary people who then become extraordinary.

The book The Fantastic Life includes the 12 Rules, real life stories and plenty of motivation that will keep you on track. Plus worksheets and steps to help you put concepts into action today.
Go ahead. No one is judging you, so dream big.
This is between you and you. No one else. Need a little guidance?
Think about your answers in terms of these important areas.

The Book That Started It All
Get The Fantastic Life
and start living yours.
In this book, you’ll find the 12 Rules that make living a Fantastic Life possible, stories of people who are using them and ways you can make them a part of your life too. This isn’t a theory book. It’s an action book, so get ready to dive in.

Know Your Story
You have many stories.
What are yours and what do you want to show the world?
We’ll help you choose.
Be Crystal Clear on What You Want
What are your priorities in life? If you don’t know what your Fantastic Life looks like, how can you pursue it?
Build Your Resumes Every Year
Your career resume should not be your only one. Why not seek improvement and achievement in every area of your life? Then write it all down.
Play Where You Can Win
Find those places and circumstances that give you the best chance of success.
You’ll have the biggest impact when you do.
Get a Win
One win can lead to another, and it doesn’t have to be huge to be a win.
When you adapt a mindset of looking for wins in your day, you will achieve more and feel fantastic about it.
Set Goals
In order to always be getting closer to your goals, to keep them in your sights, you need to take realistic steps toward your goals instead of overwhelming yourself with them.
Stay Out of the Gap
We all fall into the gap multiple times a day. Recognize it and use the methods in this book to get out fast and stay out as much as you can.
Use the 2% Rule
You don’t have to always give 110% to achieve fantastic things in life.
In fact, all you need to do is give 2% more than everyone else.
Recognize There Are Two Kinds of Pain
The pain of discipline or the pain of regret. Which will you choose.
One is momentary, the other long-lasting.
Recognize the difference and choose discipline every time.
Take the Decision Out of the Moment
Make your decisions reflexively based on your goals and values.
When you do, you’ll know you’re moving forward and not wasting time.
Don’t Waste Time
Ask yourself if what you’re doing is getting you closer to achieving your goals.
Do Nothing in Moderation
People who want to go for their dreams seldom do it in moderation.
As Oscar Wilde said, “Moderation is a fatal thing. Nothing succeeds like excess.”

Why Do It Alone?
Get the Book That’s Helped Thousands!
With new stories and expanded chapters, The Fantastic Life / Revisited is filled with newfound depth that took Craig Coppola years to live and acquire. The 12 Rules for living your Fantastic Life become vivid through the real-life stories of successful, impactful people who kindly opened up their lives to help illustrate these rules. Learn from a whole book full of mentors who will guide you along this proven path to success.