The Fantastic Life


7 New Habits of Highly Successful People

  For 2016, letโ€™s create some great habits!!ย ย I spend a lot of time with my team talking about becoming irreplaceable. That is just one of the 7 NEW habits of highly successful people from Scott Steinbergโ€™s article below. In addition here are two more that I love:–Constantly grow and improve–Go above and beyondIt’s simple to […]

7 New Habits of Highly Successful People

Catching Sunrises

  It is that time of the year when most people think about the coming year and set some goals or resolutions.ย  Here is one of mineโ€”toย catchย 300 sunrises a year.ย  So, I am up early at least six days a week before the sun.ย Catching sunrises is just my way of saying I want to be

Catching Sunrises

What is your perspective?

  For the holiday season, I am goingย with a littleย โ€œheavierโ€ย topic this week.ย ย ย The below article talks about two different perspectives on the holiday season.ย  The overbearing commercialization of Christmasย ORย the peace and goodwill garnered by the season of hope.ย  The author, Arthur Brooks, makes the point about not just the holidays but ourย entireย life.ย ย Brooks suggests workingย on abundance without

What is your perspective?

The True Meaning of Our Lives

  Thanksgiving is a time for reflection and gratitude. ย I am truly blessed and hope these weekly messages are life changing for you. ย They are for me. ย  I wish I could say I followed the below advice all my life or evenย that now I follow it now.ย  I donโ€™t.ย  But I am trying and

The True Meaning of Our Lives

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