The Fantastic Life

Here Comes the Next Huge Wave


All of the talk about millennials that goes on today is overbearing at times.  But there is a reason this generation is so prevalent.  And it is pictured below in a graph. WOW.  A huge wave of adults is about to take on the world.  For young adults, you can look at this two ways. First, there is going to be a ton of competition for you in the world.  Be sure you do your best every day.

Second, and more importantly, there is a wave of people coming that will create a TON of opportunity.  Get yourself into a space/job/career where you can capitalize on the wave.  I did this by getting into commercial real estate brokerage in the 1980’s.  I got to ride the wave for over 30 years.  But I was/am driven to be one of the best and got on top of the wave.  Lots of others were not as driven and they are no longer in the business.  Be sure to emulate the quote below the graph and start running.

Rule #4 from my book The Fantastic Life: Play where you can win
Take advantage of your strengths and the opportunities around you. When conditions are right for success, don’t let yourself miss out or be trampled by others. Use your strengths to get on top of change and reap the benefits of all that life has to offer.



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