This week’s LIFEies is just a short video. With Mother’s Day around the corner, I am sure you will want to give your mom a call, or send her a prayer if she is no longer with us. You may need a tissue…I did.
The research on happiness is consistent. Relationships rule the lives of happy people. This week, build a new one or spend some extra time on a family member—especially the one person who believes in you more than anyone. Your mom.
Rule #10 from my book The Fantastic Life: Take the Decision Out of the Moment
Relationships take time to build, which is why the relationship you have with your parents can be one of the most important ones in your life. You’ve been working on it since the day you were born! Laying the groundwork for healthy relationships can increase your happiness and give you a solid support system for the difficult moments in life.
The Simple Message That Brought This Middle School Class to Tears
Dec. 29, 2014