I’m not sure I will change any lives today but in my quest to cover every topic, how about we discuss a clean house? Remember: A clean house is a clean mind.
Here are the top five habits I took away from the article below:
- Take your shoes off. This easy habit reduces not only the amount of stuff you track through your home but also how often you have to clean the floors. We recently remodeled and this is a new habit we are trying to implement.
- Wipe down the bathroom sink. You’re in the bathroom a lot. Keeping this area clean can set the pace for the rest of the house. My sink is always clean! A win for Craig.
- Clean as you go. Chipping away at the dishes as you cook keeps them from piling up at the end of the meal. This is much easier now that the kids are out of the house!
- Put your clothes away. Another win for me. I come into the house, put my clothes away AND get my clothes ready for tomorrow. Every day. This saves me time and it’s a great habit.
- Make the bed. Hats off to my wife — she does this daily and I can tell you it makes a huge difference. Read this LIFEies on making your bed for more details.
Living The Fantastic Life means you have peace in your life. Having a home you can come to and tangibly feel peace when you drive up is a wonderful thing. One of the ways to achieve this serenity is having a home you want to come home to—how about a clean one?
Rule #10 from my book The Fantastic Life: Take the Decisions Out of the Moment
Don’t wait until you’re walking in the door at the end of a long day to decide to clean up. Take the decision out of the moment by having everything prepared ahead of time.
11 Things People With Spotless Houses Do Every Day
A few good habits can keep your home looking — and smelling — like new.
By Lisa Freedman
Shoes are not allowed past the front door in Danielle Lackey’s Carrollton, VA, home. “I have three children who frequently play on the floor. Our shoes carry germs and dirt!” Her family knows the rule by now, and a cute wooden sign in the entryway alerts guests, so she doesn’t have to.2. They make the bed.
Before she even thinks about leaving the house for the day, Amy Bell, makes the bed. “Even if the rest of the room isn’t picture-perfect, a neat bed instantly makes the whole space look pulled together,” the Cary, NC, mom says.3. They wipe down the shower.
“We squeegee the shower door after every shower to prevent water spots and grime,” says Deanne Goodman, 33, from Oceanside, CA. “It only takes about 20 seconds, and it keeps the glass looking clear and bright.” Her go-to tool? This All-Purpose Squeegee ($7,oxo.com).4. They clean the bathroom sink.
Blogger Traci Hutcherson keeps a container of wipes (baby wipes work just fine) under her sink. “Just pull out a wipe and give the sink a quick cleaning.” Try it and you’ll never have to look at toothpaste dribbles again!5. They wipe down the kitchen counters.
“I wipe down our kitchen counters nightly with a homemade solution — one part vinegar, three parts water and a squirt of almond oil dish soap — that I store in a spray bottle,” says blogger Camilla Fabbri. “The vinegar cuts through grease and also does a great job clearing up the smudges on our stainless appliances.”
6. They clean as they go.
Blogger Chelsea Morhman never likes to go to bed with a dirty kitchen. The trick is cleaning up while she cooks. “If I have something in the oven, I wipe down counter tops and wash dishes while I wait for it to finish,” she says. “I try to have almost everything cleaned up by the time dinner is ready, so that all we have to do after dinner is stick our dirty dishes in the dishwasher.”
7. They Swiffer before bed.
Mary Beth Cooper from Peoria, IL, spends seven minutes (give or take) every night Swiffering her way through the downstairs rooms. A quick pass prevents dust bunnies from taking over the house.
8. They do an end-of-day clean sweep.
Before bed, Fabbri gets everyone to pitch in for a quick tidying up session. The family of four picks up the dog toys, puts away the mail, hangs up jackets and puts items back in their place. “With everyone helping, it usually takes less than five minutes, and I feel so much better when I come downstairs in the morning and the house is organized.”
9. They put their clothes away.
Almost every master bedroom has one chair that starts off empty on Monday and is covered with clothes by Friday. Unless you follow this daily tip from Debra Johnson, a home cleaning expert from Merry Maids: “Before you go to bed, put dirty clothes in the hamper or re-hang clean ones in the closet. And in the morning, fold your pajamas and store them in their proper place.”
10. They open a door or two.
“I throw open the front and the back door to air out the house every day, even just for a few minutes if it’s cold outside,” says Sherry Petersik, who, along with her husband, wrote the upcoming book Lovable Livable Home. “It helps to fight off stale air — or any random lingering odors from dinner — and it makes the house feel fresh and breezy.”
11. They close a door or two.
Another easy one! Blogger Jeanne Oliver knows that the entire house will never be clean and organized at the same time — especially three kids’ rooms. “I’ve come to accept that and I just shut their doors,” she says. “If the main floor is tidy and I can just close off the mess, I’m likely to invite people over more.”