“Craig’s ability to articulate the actions that have led to his life successes offers a template to build your own action plan for a bigger life. The type of book that can be read multiple times and continues to offer new inspiration.”
– Zach Venvertloh
The Fantastic Life Series
“I wish so much that I would have read this book when I was younger. It would have helped me think about so many things that a young business person does not experience until later in life. I think so much of this book that I order many copies to give to my young adult sons and their friends. This is one of the best business and personal books I have ever read. No shit. Short and to the point.”
– Ray Thurston,
Chairman of the UPS Logistics Group,
TGen Foundation and Shamrock Foods Board Member
rocks GRAVEL sand
Crush Big Rock Goals & Live Your Fantastic Life
Before you dive into your next big rock goal and get busy, read this book and learn how doing the GRAVEL work can improve your chances of success. What’s GRAVEL? It’s that messy middle that lies between your rock goal and your daily sand tasks. Most goal achievement books focus on goal setting (rocks) and how to stick to the daily tasks (sand). In between the rocks and the sand, which is where most dreams lose their footing, is GRAVEL. rocks GRAVEL sand reveals the methods for getting unstuck so you can achieve a Fantastic Life.