Over my lifetime I have become an avid reader of all things personal and professional growth. I’ve also come to learn that many people don’t have time to read, don’t like to read or don’t know what to read to help them live a Fantastic Life. This blog is a shortcut to articles and stories that I’ve found helpful. There are thousands in this library, organized by topic and by Fantastic Life rule. Even better, I’ve summarized each entry and highlighted what’s most important. So you don’t have to.
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Evaluating Character
Today, I am sending a blog on character by Ted Gioia. In his post, he gives 8 techniques for evaluating character. If you are going

Change Your Mindset
When I first read the below article, I found myself smiling quite a bit. Why? Because it felt like reading my books, The Fantastic Life

A Simple Playbook for your Emotions
We’ve all been there. You get so upset and worked up that you are not able to control your emotions. This is NOT what living a

The Power of Close Relationships
Take a moment to read the first full highlighted paragraph (4th paragraph) of the article below. It is the core message for this LIFEies. Now,

Changing Your Personality
I really don’t like it when I hear people say things like “That is just who I am” or “Accept me for exactly who I

Getting your Attention Span Back
Research shows that, on average, we shift our gaze from our screens every 47 seconds and check email 77 times a day. Can we find

Not Feeling It Today
Not feeling it today? I’ve been there. You and I both know we will not be operating at 100% all the time. We KNOW this.

Exercise Snacks
I LOVED the idea presented in the article below — an exercise snack. What is it? 1 minute of intense exercise. Why do it? Turns out, it

Inspiration is Powerful
This is a first for LIFEies – my only comments in this blog are quotes from a Richard Hamming speech, the full text of which is

Dunning- Kruger Effect
The Dunning-Kruger effect is a human condition where the least competent people in an area overestimate their skills the most AND the most competent think

Spending Time (Our Most Precious Commodity)
I’m not exactly sure when I realized that time was my most precious commodity, but it was early in my career. Since then, I have had

Mindfulness for Anxiety
Mindfulness is a fairly common theme of your Fantastic Life. I constantly want to gently remind myself and our LIFEies community to get more present in our

Today, we’re talking about the dreaded P-word —procrastination. Below is a great article with lots of ideas on how to procrastinate less. It’s worth the

Increasing Your Reading Quality
Today’s LIFEies is written for me. I often write these ahead of time and then get to re-read them when they are published. I

Suffering Pleasurably
I love writing about Type 2 Fun – the type of fun that is challenging in the moment but rewarding in retrospect. I normalized this type of

Confident Humility
Since I started writing LIFEies, I now get inspiration for life lessons everywhere. Today, the lesson comes from a blog from the company that is

Optimism vs. Pessimism
I am an optimist. A pragmatic optimist. I have had to be because since 1983, I have been a 100 percent commission salesman. You cannot

Time Across Our Lives
Below is a fascinating article about how we spend our time throughout our lives. Now that I am 60+ years old, I have experienced quite

Want Less
When I read the article after my comments, this formula stuck out: Satisfaction = what you have ÷ what you want The absolute key to

Have Better Conversations
I have been on a ‘deep and meaningful relationships’ focus for a very long time. Life is WAY too short to live it on the

What is Missing from your Job Description
The working world is undergoing massive change right now. Remote positions, flex hours, working at the office, it’s all changing. I co-wrote a book with

You might think you know what rest is, but there are a few things your definition may be lacking. Read the full article below to

Success–Happy or Miserable?
I have been pursuing success for decades, and one thing I’ve heard a lot over the years is that success would not bring me happiness.

Teaching Kids How to Make Money
GravyStack is a company I invested in a few years ago and they went live last week. This company helps kids learn how to make

In Person is Always Better
I always preach to “get the meeting.” If you believe that relationships matter (like I do), then you want to meet face-to-face, get to know

Do the Work
Recently, I have found myself checking my phone for emails, then sliding into Instagram. Full disclosure, we now have three grandbabies and they are addicting to

Turning Around a Moonshot
Greg Robinson is the NASA engineer who got the Webb Space Telescope launched (a huge moonshot). This was after the entire project was a complete disaster.

Your Gut Health
Gut health is becoming even more important as we begin to understand it better. Every week I see new and potentially life-changing information come out about the

It’s Possible to Not Have an Opinion
I have been working on a quote for a while. So I thought I would write about it. “It’s possible to not have an opinion”

Live Longer–Simple Habits
A healthy diet can add 10 years to your lifespan. WHAT? Of course I read the rest of the article to learn more. See below.