Take the Decision Out of the Moment
Make your decisions reflexively based on your goals and values.
When you do, you’ll know you’re moving forward and not wasting time.
All these articles demonstrate Fantastic Life Rule #10 in practice.

Self-Regulation vs. Self-Control
I have eating issues. If you’ve been following for a while, you know that’s nothing new. I am always on the lookout for ways to

Creating Rules for Your Fantastic Life
Dan Sullivan taught me to create rules for my life. Not just any rules, but ones where I can win. I love that. These rules

A Happy Life
Let’s start with the obvious. For a happy life, read LIFEies every Monday. Second, buy The Fantastic Life and incorporate the rules into your life.

Where Habits Live in the Body
I have said it before and here it is again: I will continue cleaning up my habits every day until they are all great. I

Navy SEAL Sayings to digest
I love the Navy Seals. They are complete badasses who not only protect our freedom, but provide me with tons of inspiration. They develop an
A Good End of Life
Since my bout with Lymphoma in 2013, the passing of my parents in 2018, and now going through my parents’ possessions and closing down

Be Happier in 10 Seconds
I’m sure you’ve heard someone tell you that success requires the right mindset. But when it comes down to the moment of truth, how
The First 10 Minutes of Your Day
I am always trying to improve my life, in big areas, small areas, and on the fringes. So how about the first 10 minutes

Developing Daily Discipline
What is discipline? In the below article, Inga Stasiulionyte describes discipline as: The difference between being in control of your future and letting your