Don’t Waste Time
Ask yourself if what you’re doing is getting you closer to achieving your goals.
All these articles demonstrate Fantastic Life Rule #11 in practice.

Part 1 – Aging
The saying, “age is just a number” is starting to seem more and more true as I get older. Mary Henk, who works on my team,

Making Healthy Habits Stick-New Science
Every year people make New Year’s resolutions and every year people do not stick to them. But my question is: why do we have to

Time Billionaire
What is a “Time Billionaire?” Simply put, it’s a concept that challenges us to recognize the wealth of time we hold, especially when we’re young.

How Often You Should Call Your Parents
This week, let’s focus on how often we should call our parents. If you are one of my own kids reading this; Call and come over all

How To Be a Good Mentee
For today’s LIFEies, I went to two of my team members at The Coppola-Cheney Group: Nick Whitehouse and Kaeli Cabral. They are great young people

I am constantly looking for ways to live my life as efficiently as possible. Every day, I live with the word Kaizen in mind. What

Getting your Attention Span Back
Research shows that, on average, we shift our gaze from our screens every 47 seconds and check email 77 times a day. Can we find

Spending Time (Our Most Precious Commodity)
I’m not exactly sure when I realized that time was my most precious commodity, but it was early in my career. Since then, I have had

Time Across Our Lives
Below is a fascinating article about how we spend our time throughout our lives. Now that I am 60+ years old, I have experienced quite