Play Where You Can Win
Find those places and circumstances that give you the best chance of success.
You’ll have the biggest impact when you do.
All these articles demonstrate Fantastic Life Rule #4 in practice.
Running Advice from 90 year old’s
I ran long distances for a long time before I finally retired from running. But I didn’t stop moving. For the last 15-20 years I
Getting to Great Ideas
In my life, I have continually tried to create and innovate. Writing books, creating our C2 Voice and LIFEies blogs, and trying to compete with Fortune
Dunning- Kruger Effect
The Dunning-Kruger effect is a human condition where the least competent people in an area overestimate their skills the most AND the most competent think
It’s Possible to Not Have an Opinion
I have been working on a quote for a while. So I thought I would write about it. “It’s possible to not have an opinion”
7 Cool Hacks
I saw the below thread about psychology hacks on Instagram and put it all together for the LIFEies crew to scroll through. Here are my
5 Lessons in Meditating
Yes, I have spent a lot of time on meditation in LIFEies. But I still have more to say about this topic. Why? The lessons
The Secret of Happiness
Over the past few years, making a conscious effort to be grateful and show gratitude has become a big part of my life. It’s more
Taking Great Notes
Today I want to share a quick primer on note taking. I take notes in every single meeting I attend. I used to exclusively write
Choosing Time
We all know that time is our most precious resource: It’s the one thing money cannot buy. And with smartphones in every pocket these days,
The Munger Technique: The Best Way To Improve Yourself
As you may recall, I am impressed and follow the wisdom of Charlie Munger (Warren Buffett’s partner). He is an amazing person and so thoughtful
What is IT?
In 1983, I got drafted and signed with the Minnesota Twins. It was the most significant event in my life at 21 years old. In
Say No to Negativity
Most LIFEies readers will have heard of the ‘The Negativity Effect’ which basically says that bad events and emotions affect us way stronger than positive
Not Being Successful
I spend a ton of time goal setting, planning, and executing on my priorities. But I don’t always hit my goals. What causes us to
Starting and Sticking to Good Habits
I am very focused on creating good habits. Every day I am trying to improve my habits and add to them. Why? Because at least
Who Are We Seeking to Become?
What are you doing to make yourself better? Today, and every day…we get the privilege to live our life. Today, do something to take
The Single Biggest Problem Every Successful Person Faces
I love everything Malcolm Gladwell writes, or in this case, talks about. The below article covers a discussion between Gladwell and Lance Armstrong that
You Can Get Smarter
Psychologists have determined the quality of your life is in large part dependent on your perspective. I believe I control my destiny. I also
Here Comes the Next Huge Wave
All of the talk about millennials that goes on today is overbearing at times. But there is a reason this generation is so prevalent. And it is pictured below
Types of Growth
Years ago I created a presentation on the various ways I have grown in my life (slow and long term growth, fast changes hitting me upside my head, etc.).